Sample Project:
Feasibility Study for an Overseas Campus
Working with university senior administrators, Tom Clay &Associates, Inc. conducted a study to gauge the feasibility of a proposed satellite campus in the Middle East. In conducting that study, we traveled to the proposed site on multiple occasions; analyzed the proposed agreement and assisted with negotiations; coordinated with faculty and administration on planning the curriculum; specified governance mechanisms; designed an organization structure addressing senior administration, academic departments, academic and student support services, operational administration, and links to the U.S. campus; created a staffing model and guidelines for expatriate compensation; established detailed assumptions on facilities, infrastructure and services; set enrollment assumptions; built a comprehensive financial model with multiple scenarios and sensitivity analyses; and made a go/no go recommendation. We also recruited, hired and managed an in-region market research firm on the university’s behalf to collect information on such topics as the competitive environment, the demand for proposed degrees, the supply of qualified students, and perceptions throughout the region of the proposed institution.